Lost Sales
What is Lost Sales?
Lost Sales provides an overview of abandoned baskets left by your retailers. You can see exactly what items were left behind and the total value of each basket, giving you insight into potential lost revenue.
Who has access to Lost Sales?
Lost Sales is not activated for all Turis accounts. This feature is only available for accounts on a variable Turis Plan. If you do not have access to this feature and would like to enable it, please contact support at support@turis.app to explore your options.
Where can I find Lost Sales on my account?
You can locate Lost Sales in the sidebar under the Orders section. Just like with your existing orders, a red notification label will indicate the number of new Lost Sales waiting for review.
Please note that this feature is currently in BETA, meaning you may experience occasional issues. If you encounter any errors, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

How to navigate Lost Sales
Navigating Lost Sales is simple and intuitive. When accessing the Lost Sales page, you will first see the most recent entries. As you scroll down, older Lost Sales will be displayed.

You can also filter Lost Sales based on date, with the default setting showing entries from the past 30 days.

In the Lost Sales overview, you can quickly view:
- The date the Lost Sale was registered
- Items left in the basket
- Total basket value in the retailer’s currency
- Buyer details
- The retailer’s last order in Turis
- Internal comments from you or your team
- New Label for Lost Sales that have not yet been opened

Clicking on a Lost Sale entry expands the details, showing each item, quantity (in pieces and cases), prices, and an option to contact the buyer directly via email.

Contacting a Buyer
When reaching out to a buyer through Turis, a standard email template will automatically appear when clicking the Contact Buyer button.
You can review and edit this email before sending it to the retailer.

Settings for Lost Sales
There are a few settings related to Lost Sales that you may want to configure:
By default, Lost Sales email notifications are turned off. If you would like to receive an email whenever a new Lost Sale is registered, you can enable this feature in:
Settings > Notifications > Admin

Email Templates
You can customize the default email template for contacting buyers within Lost Sales. This ensures that your emails align with your brand’s communication style.
To modify the template, go to:
Tools > Emails > Email Editor

Select Lost Sales! (for buyers) from the dropdown menu, then edit the subject line and email body as needed.

Additional Considerations
When using Lost Sales, keep in mind:
- Some retailers may place items in their basket with the intention of completing the order later. Since Turis cannot differentiate between an abandoned basket and a delayed purchase, you will receive a Lost Sales notification 30-40 minutes after a basket is left inactive (if notifications are enabled).
- If you receive a Lost Sales notification but later find that the Lost Sale is gone, it could be due to:
- The retailer manually emptied their basket.
- The retailer completed their purchase, in which case the order will appear under Orders.
- When using the Turis email template, follow-up communication will occur through your email. If a retailer replies to your email, their response will not appear in Turis but will be sent directly to your inbox.
By leveraging Lost Sales, you can proactively recover potential revenue and improve retailer engagement!