How to Bulk Invite Buyers to Turis

Whether you’re preparing to launch your new Turis B2B platform to all your retailers, or you've received several requests to invite new buyers, you’re likely in a situation where you need to send out a large number of invites. Fortunately, Turis provides an easy and efficient way to do this through the bulk invite feature.

Follow these steps to bulk invite buyers:

  • Navigate to the Buyers Page: Go to Users > Retailers > Buyers.
  • Access Bulk Action: On the Buyers page, locate the Bulk action button in the top-right corner.
  • Select Send Invites: by expanding the dropdown menu, then select the buyers by ticking the checkboxes on their names. You can filter buyers using the available filters to find the ones you want to invite.
  • Click "Apply" to Send Invitations: An invitation to create a password will be sent to all the selected buyers.

Tip: It’s a good idea to include a test buyer in your selection to ensure the invitations are sent correctly.

Common Issues

Sometimes buyers may contact you saying they haven’t received an invitation. Here are some things you can check:

  • Correct Email Address: Verify that the buyer’s email address is entered correctly.
  • Buyer’s Company: Ensure that the buyer is associated with a company in the Company field.
  • Spam Folder: Ask the buyer to check their spam or junk folder, as the invitation might have ended up there.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you can efficiently bulk invite buyers to your platform and ensure a smooth process for everyone.

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