Bulk uploader: Prices

This article explains how you can update the prices on you products.

To update prices for multiple products or apply multiple price changes across different products, the bulk uploader for prices is a highly effective tool. To access this feature, navigate to Tools, select Bulk Uploader, and choose Prices from the dropdown menu. Once you’ve selected Prices, you can download a template and open it in Excel or Google Sheets. This template allows you to edit the RRP, standard prices, and special price lists.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Open the Template:
When you first open the template, we recommend deleting the columns corresponding to the prices you are not editing. For example, if you're only updating one special price list, remove all the other price columns.

Important: If you don’t delete the columns for the prices you are not editing, all prices in those columns will be set to zero.

Example: If you're only updating prices for the Segment 5 special price list, delete all other price columns to ensure you only update the correct ones.

2. Editing the Data:
Now that you’ve removed the unnecessary columns, you should see only the columns for SKUs and the price list you want to edit. Add the SKUs you wish to modify, along with the new prices.

Important: Make sure the price decimals are separated by a period (.) instead of a comma (,). This is necessary because, when you're done editing the sheet, you’ll save the file as a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.

Tip: If you’re using Google Sheets, you can set your country to "USA" in the settings, which will automatically use a period as the decimal separator. We recommend doing this to avoid manually changing the separator.

3. Saving and Uploading:
Once all the new prices have been added, save the file as a .CSV file on your computer.

4. Upload the File:
Go back to the Bulk Uploader in the platform, ensuring that Prices is still selected in the dropdown. Then, select your saved .CSV file and click Upload.

5. Completion:
Once the upload is complete, your screen should display a confirmation.

Note: If there are any SKUs with typing errors or SKUs that don't exist in the platform, these will not be updated. The system will notify you of any SKUs that were not edited during the upload.

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