Forms (B2B-application)

What is it?

The form tool allows you to easily create and manage applications from potential new retailers. This feature enables you to efficiently handle incoming applications and create new retailer accounts.

Where Can I Find It?

You can access this feature in Tools > Forms.

B2B form application Set-Up

  • Creating a New Form
    To create a new form, click the green Plus (+) button.
  • Form Creation Screen
    After clicking the Plus button, you will be taken to the form creation screen where you can configure your new form.

Application fields

These fields are required when setting up your application form:

  • Application Title (internal): This is the internal title of your form (for your reference).
  • Application Form URL: This is where you can set the URL for the form.
  • Application Header: The header displayed to potential retailers when they view the form.
  • Application Introduction Text: This field allows you to provide an introduction to the form.

Note: All these fields are required and must be filled in.

Example of Application Fields Filled:

Confirmation Fields

These fields control the confirmation message displayed to the retailer after submitting their application:

Confirmation Message Header: Customize the header for the confirmation message.

Confirmation Message Text: Modify the text of the confirmation message.

Confirmation Message Button Label: Edit the text of the confirmation button.

Tip: Personalize the confirmation message by matching the tone of your brand and adding emojis to make it more engaging.

Note: These fields are optional and can be left as default if you don’t wish to customize them.

Example of Confirmation Fields Filled:

Input fields

These are the pre-added fields required for adding a retailer. They cannot be removed but can be customized if necessary. Some examples of these fields include:

These fields are mandatory for adding a retailer to the system.

Add Extra input fields

If you need additional fields for specific information, you can add them here. Extra fields can either be your own custom fields or chosen from pre-made options.

Example of extra fields added:

  • Company Registration Number (VAT No.)
    (If you have an integration that requires this, for example.)


You can personalize the form’s appearance to match your brand:

  • Add Your Logo: Upload an image file of your logo.
  • Add Background Image: Choose a background image that reflects your brand, or select a solid color.
  • Primary Color (Header + Button): Select the color for your form header and submit button.
  • Edit Button Text: Change the submit button’s text (e.g., “Submit Application”).
  • Add Upload File Button: If you require new retailers to upload a document, add this option.
  • Link to Your Website: Insert a link to your business website.
  • Display Application Link to Users on My Login Page: If you wish to display this form on your Turis login page, enable this option.
  • Select Default Special Price List: Choose a default price list for new retailers (this can also be set during retailer creation).

Note: All fields marked with () are required to complete the form.*

Example of Customized Fields Filled:

What Does the Form Look Like for My Potential Retailers?

Here’s an example of what the form might look like when finished:

If you choose to display the form on your login page, it will appear beneath the sign-in button.

How Do I Handle Form Submissions?

Receiving New Form Submissions

You can view all form submissions in Tools > Forms, under the Submissions tab. Submissions will be marked as:

  • New! - For new submissions that haven’t been handled yet.
  • Pending - If the submission has been opened but not yet responded to.
  • Declined - If the submission has been rejected.

Creating a Retailer from a Form Submission

When you open a new form submission, a pop-up will appear with the details the potential retailer has submitted.

From here, you can choose to Decline or Accept the request:

  • Decline: The potential retailer will not receive any notification from Turis.
  • Accept: You will be taken through the standard retailer creation flow. The form will pre-fill most of the fields, and you’ll only need to check and fill in the remaining details.

After accepting the request, you will be prompted to create a login for the new retailer:

  • Yes, send invite: An invite will be sent to the retailer to create their password, and a buyer will be created for you.
  • No, I’ll create this later: The retailer will not receive an invite to create a password, and you will need to create the buyer yourself in Users > Buyers.

Other Good-to-Know Information

  • Can I Use This Form Elsewhere?

Yes, you can copy the form’s link and use it on your B2C website or elsewhere.

  • Can I Have Multiple Forms?

Yes, you can create multiple forms, but only one form can be linked to your login page at a time. Simply create additional forms using the green Plus (+) button in the top right corner.

Any Other Settings Related to Forms?

  • Notifications

You can enable notifications to receive an email every time a new form is submitted. This setting is available under Notifications.

  • Emails

There’s an email template for form submissions in Tools > Emails > Email Editor. Here, you can edit the notification emails sent to account owners when a form is submitted.

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